pamphlets, article reprints, foreign homophile magazines, and periodicals. Branch libraries are maintained in most cities where are a councils are located. Books are available for checkout to members under local rules. Students, research teams, attorneys and others are invited to use these libraries as re quired. Donations of additional books or library funds are gratefully appreciated. A Sound tape library is maintained.


Through the Society's Public Relations Department and through working public relations projects at the national headquarters and in all area councils, Mattachine is in constant contact with an increasing number of related public service agencies, mental health organizations, professional groups, public health officers, etc. Mattachine uses standard techniques for public relations in mass communications media-newspapers, maga

zines, radio and television, to the extent of present capabilities and acceptance by the media themselves. It maintains a speakers bureau, and furnishes speakers to address interested groups in some communities.

In the U. S. and abroad, Mattachine maintains active liaison with legal reform groups, legislative committees seeking to uphold civil rights, fight censorship, and enhance human freedoms, particularly in the sexual behavior sphere. This includes organizations in India, Israel, England, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, France, Belgium, Sweden, and Norway at the present time.


AID FOR ESTABLISHED RESEARCH PROJECTS. Mattachinė Society cooperates with many research experts and institutions working in the sexual sphere. Among these are the Institute for Sex Research, Bloomington, Indiana; the Institute for the Investigation of Human Ecology, New York; and individual.and group research projects that have been conducted by social scientists associated with the U. S. Public Health Service and a number of colleges and universities in California, Colorado, Utah, New York, etc.

Here the principal Mattachine function has been to furnish sub jects for testing and sources of data. In all such cases, Mattachine has played no role in preparation of the research findings, but has simply opened the door to make testing and interview ing possible for those seeking direct information from homophiles and sex variants.


INDEPENDENT RESEARCH PROJECTS. Long considered but difficult indeed to initiate, complete and conduct, Mattachine-sponsored research projects have actually amounted to little, because the organization has felt that homophile research should be conducted by qualified persons and without possible bias. Such projects have been planned and discussed. In the future it is possible that when the need for some distinct phase of research is seen, experts called upon to conduct it will receive the full cooperation of of the Society.


DISSEMINATION OF RESEARCH FINDINGS. While this is an overlap into educational activities, the Society's research department seeks information about research projects in the sex variation field with a view to aiding the projects if uncompleted, and obtaining clearance to tell readers of Mattachine publications about them when the work is concluded and findings determined.


In general, social service work is conducted on a limited basis that is being expanded as time, staff and funds permit by area councils and at the national office in San Francisco, Literally hundreds of letters each year contain requests for solution to individual problems from people all over the country. Telephone calls come in frequently from widely scattered points in the 50 states. And in the San Francisco office alone, more than 600 individuals per year are coming in for assistance in vari ous social service categories. Every Mattachine office today , recommends qualified professional people in many communities. who can provide legal, psychological and religious counsel and also aid in finding employment, veterans problems, etc. Be cause the Society is composed of laymen, its principal socia service function is to refer to qualified people in the profes sional fields.

To a limited extent, but gaining in importance, is the liaison maintained with some other social service agencies in some communities, particularly Health Departments, probation offices, hospitals and mental health groups and clinics, and correc tional institutions.

EMPLOYMENT. One of the greatest aspects of the social ser vice task is to find suitable employment opportunities for per sons of homosexual orientation, particularly young and inexperienced persons who are often just released from the armed forces, jail, prison, a mental hospital, etc., and with a back ground which they are hesitant to disclose because it so often. denies them a chance for a job. Investigations of persons in government employment, teaching and other professions sometimes results in dismissal of the individual whose orientation is found to be homosexual. Many such cases come to Mattachine for job leads. Plans call for the establishment of a bonafide employment counseling service in the near future to cope with this most pressing social service function. But definite success has been achieved in placing persons in suitable jobs. Most individuals seeking this aid from the Society have experienced difficulty due to arrest records, convictions, less than honorable” discharges, and other social handicaps. While a organized service in this field is yet to be developed nation ally, it is a fact that dozens of men and women have been aided in finding satisfactory jobs through Mattachine offices. The eventual aim of this service is to learn about job possi bilities where persons with past 'criminal" records (often nothing more than an arrest by an over-zealous officer) can be permitted to assume responsible and dignified daily lives in positions they need and deserve.